Saylo vs Canny

    Canny is a popular feedback management platform known for its feature voting boards. However, Saylo offers a more flexible, integrated, and cost-effective solution for businesses looking to gather and act on customer feedback. Unlike Canny's focus on feature voting, Saylo provides comprehensive feedback collection across multiple channels, personalized follow-ups, and unbiased insights, all at a more affordable price point.

    Why Are People Switching to Saylo?

    1. Affordable Pricing

    Saylo provides strong feedback tools at a lower cost than Canny's $99/month or $948/year, making it a better option for startups and small businesses.

    2. Comprehensive Feedback Collection

    While Canny relies on feature voting boards, Saylo collects feedback from all channels—emails, social media, and support tickets—so nothing slips through the cracks.

    3. Personalized Follow-Up

    Saylo enables tailored notifications and follow-ups, fostering stronger customer relationships, unlike Canny's generic approach.

    4. Unbiased Feedback

    Saylo's neutral platform ensures accurate user insights, reducing the bias that Canny's voting boards often introduce.

    5. Enhanced Customer Support

    Saylo prioritizes exceptional support, helping your team maximize the platform's potential without any roadblocks.

    6. Integrated Analytics

    Saylo offers comprehensive analytics that go beyond simple vote counting, providing actionable insights across all feedback channels.

    7. Flexible Implementation

    Saylo adapts to your existing workflows and tools, offering seamless integration with popular project management and customer support platforms.

    When to Choose Saylo

    • Cost-Effective: Get comprehensive feedback management at a fraction of the cost of Canny.
    • Holistic Feedback: Capture insights from all customer touchpoints, not just feature voting boards.
    • Personalized Engagement: Build stronger customer relationships with tailored follow-ups and communications.
    • Unbiased Insights: Make decisions based on accurate, representative customer feedback.
    • Superior Support: Benefit from responsive, knowledgeable support to maximize your feedback management efforts.

    Ready to listen to your users?

    Join thousands of businesses using Saylo to improve their products with real user feedback.

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